Monday, 8 December 2014

noel christmas calligraphy card

(Quick note: If you read my blog everyday then you'll know I missed blogmas yesterday and the day before. This is because I was at a wedding all weekend with no wifi... eek)
I love cards at Christmas. The cute little bambi ones in the snow, the classical christmas tree one, the rude christmas cartoons, all of them. I've always admired the fancy calligraphy ones, with the loopy writing and pretty swirls. (This is what my life has come to... admiring swirls in handwriting on christmas cards - this is not good) I wanted to give it a go, and I've made a little diy christmas card which you could always try out if you're ever a card short. Warning: my artistic skills are... limited

You might need
A black fineliner
A black felt tip
A red pen/pencil
A green pen/pencil

1. Draw out the word "noel" in your loopiest writing on a folded piece of A4.

2. Darken and strengthen certain points on the words, e.g the left side of the n etc. Fill them in.

3. Begin to sketch out a brief outline of some holly, two leaves on the top and bottom of the card.

4. Fill in the holly leaves.

5. Add three tiny dots between each holly drawing in red for the berries.

Ta-dah! Although this dIY was probably the simplest I've done and I'm pretty sure that all of you could have done this without my help, I wanted to give you a little creative inspiration and maybe some ideas for decoration/christmas festivities. I hope you like the card, I really like mine.

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Esme x

P.S - Pinterest have some great ideas for cards/christmas decorations. If you want a little inspo click the pinterest link above and click the christmas excitement board on my profile.